MT6261 CPU Schematic Diagram And Repair Ways From PinOut

#ExploreDetails_CircuitDiagram - MediaTek MT6261 Processor Boot Sequence

CPU PinOut 

⚫ Pins function

Power(+) and Ground Pins

VCDT: Voltage detection pin for battery or external power management.
BATON: Battery On/Off control.
VBAT_VA: Battery input voltage (VA) powers the core and other subsystems.
VBAT_DIGITAL: Main supply voltage for the digital circuitry.
VUSB: Supply voltage for the USB interface.
VRTC: Power supply for the real-time clock (RTC) circuit.
VCORE: Core voltage supply for the CPU.
VSBST, VSBST_OUT: Voltage boost output increases the battery voltage.
VIO18, and VIO28: I/O voltage for different voltage levels (1.8V and 2.8V respectively).
AVSS: Analog ground, isolated from digital ground to reduce noise.
AVDD: Analog power supply.
VDDK: Power for the keypad interface.
VSIM1, VSIM2: Power supplies for the SIM1 and SIM2 cards.
VA: Power supply for the analogue components.
AVSS_FM, AVSS_BT, AVSS_SPK: Analog ground for FM, Bluetooth, and speaker circuitry.
AVSS44_BOOST, AVSS44_ALDO, AVSS44_DLDO, AVSS44_PMU: Different regulated power supplies for various internal components like audio LDO (Low Dropout Regulator), power management unit (PMU), etc.
VREF: Reference voltage for analogue circuits.

Clock and Oscillator of Crystal Ic Pin

XTAL1, XTAL2: Crystal oscillator pins for the main system clock.
FREF: Frequency reference for the internal PLL (Phase-Locked Loop).
CMMCLK: Common clock signal.
CMCSD0, CMCSD1: Chip-select and data lines for communication interfaces.
CMPDN: Power-down control pin for the communication system.
EXT_CLK_SEL: External clock selection pin.
SRCLKENAI: Clock enables pin.

Circuit Diagram

I/O Pins and GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output)

GPIO_0 to GPIO_11: Configurable pins that can interface with external devices as general-purpose inputs or outputs.
EINT: External interrupt pin.
RESETB: Active-low reset pin to reset the CPU.
ISINK: Current sink pin, often used for LED backlight control.
KPLED: Keypad LED control pin.
KCOL0 to KCOL5KROW0 to KROW4: Pins used for interfacing with a keypad matrix (columns and rows).
BPI_BUS0 to BPI_BUS2: Baseband processor interface pins for interfacing with different peripherals.
ACCDET: Accessory detection pin, used for detecting connected accessories like headphones.
PWRKEY: The power key input pin is usually connected to the main power button.

Audio and Microphone Pins

AU_MICBIAS0: Microphone bias voltage supply.
AU_MIC: Microphone input.
AU_VIN0_PAU_VIN0_NAU_VIN1_PAU_VIN1_N: Audio input pins.
AU_HPLAU_HPR: Left and right channel audio output for headphones or speakers.
AU_HSPAU_HSN: Headphone speaker positive and negative terminals.
AU_VIN1_P: Audio input positive terminal for the microphone or other sources.
SPK_OUTPSPK_OUTN: Speaker output positive and negative terminals.
AUXIN4: Auxiliary input for audio signals.
VIBR: Vibration motor control pin.

Mediatek 6261 CPU Block Diagram

Communication and Data Interface of SIM Section

UTXD1, URXD1: UART transmit and receive data lines for serial communication.
SIM1_SIO, SIM2_SIO: Serial data input/output for SIM1 and SIM2 cards.
SIM1_SCLK, SIM2_SCLK: Clock signals for SIM1 and SIM2 cards.
SIM1_SRST, SIM2_SRST: Reset pins for SIM cards.
SDA28, SCL28: I²C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) data and clock lines for communication with peripherals like sensors or external ICs.
MCDA0 to MCDA3, MCCK: SDIO (Secure Digital Input/Output) or memory card data and clock lines.
LSDA, LSCE_B, LSCK, LSRSTB: LCD data, clock, and reset lines for interfacing with an LCD panel.

RF and Bluetooth Interface Pins

RXLB, TXLB, RXHB, TXHB: RF (Radio Frequency) input/output for low-band and high-band communication.
BT_LNA: Bluetooth low-noise amplifier pin.
AVDD15_BTRF: Power supply pin for Bluetooth RF circuitry.

FM Radio Pins

FM_ANT_P: FM radio antenna input pin.

Charging and Battery Management Pins

CHRLDO: Charger Low Dropout regulator output regulates the charging voltage.
BATSNS: A battery sensing pin is used to control the battery voltage.
LICENSE: Current sense pin for power or battery management.

Other Peripheral Interface Pins

LSA0LSA1: Lines for external display or peripheral devices.
APC: Automatic power control for RF circuitry.
DRV: Drive control pin for power management or external devices like motors.
Test and Debug Pins:
TESTMODE: Used to enter test mode during the chip’s manufacturing or debugging phase.

CPU Architecture

What are the pin names for the SIM card connection in the MT6261 processor?

The MT6261 processor supports two SIM card slots (SIM1 and SIM2). Each SIM card has 6 pins.

Pin Configuration for SIM1 and SIM2:

Pin 1: SIM1_SIO, SIM2_SIO – Data Pin, used for serial communication with the SIM card. 

Pin 2: SIM1_SCLK, SIM2_SCLK – Clock Pin, provides the clock signal to the SIM card.

Pin 3: SIM1_SRST, SIM2_SRST – Reset Pin, used to reset the SIM card.

Pin 4: VSIM1, VSIM2 – Positive Voltage / Power Pin, supplies power to the SIM card.

Pin 5: GND – Ground / Negative Pin, provides ground connection. Pin 6: N/C – No Connection Pin.

What are the pin names for the Crystal IC connection in the MT6261 processor?

The Crystal IC is responsible for providing the main clock signal to the MT6261 processor. It has 4 pins. Pin Configuration for Crystal IC: Pin 1: GND – Ground, provides a reference voltage level. Pin 2: XTAL1 – Clock Input Pin, connects to the first pin of the crystal oscillator. Pin 3: GND – Ground, provides ground for isolation. Pin 4: XTAL2 – Clock Output Pin, connects to the second pin of the crystal oscillator.

What are the pin names for the microphone connection in the MT6261 processor?

The MT6261 processor has dedicated pins for connecting an external microphone. Pin Configuration for Microphone: Pin 1: AU_MICBIAS0 – Bias Voltage Supply, provides power to the microphone. Pin 2: AU_MIC – Microphone Input Signal, receives the audio signal from the microphone.

What are the pin names for the loudspeaker connection in the MT6261 processor?

The loudspeaker connects to the audio output pins of the MT6261 processor. Pin Configuration for Loudspeaker: Pin 1: SPK_OUTP – Loudspeaker Positive Connection, carries the positive audio signal. Pin 2: SPK_OUTN – Loudspeaker Negative Connection, carries the negative audio signal.

What are the pin names for the vibrator motor connection in the MT6261 processor?

The vibrator motor connection controls the vibration feedback on the device. Pin Configuration for Vibrator: Pin 1: VIBR – Control Pin, controls the vibration motor. Pin 2: GND – Ground / Negative Connection, provides ground for the motor.

MT6261 CPU LDO Section

What are the pin names for the charging circuit connection in the MT6261 processor?

The charging circuit pins are essential for managing battery charging. Although the exact pin configuration can vary, the key pins for charging are typically: Pin Configuration for Charging Circuit: Pin 1: CHRLDO – Charger Low Dropout Regulator, regulates the voltage during charging. Pin 2: BATSNS – Battery Sensing Pin, monitors battery voltage during charging. Pin 3: ISENSE – Current Sense Pin, monitors current during charging. Pin 4: GND – Ground / Negative Connection, provides ground reference.

which What are the pin names for the headphone connection in the MT6261 processor?

The MT6261 processor provides a separate audio output for headphones. Pin Configuration for Headphones: Pin 1: AU_HPL – Left Channel Audio Output, sends audio to the left earphone. Pin 2: AU_HPR – Right Channel Audio Output, sends audio to the right earphone. Pin 3: GND – Ground / Negative Connection, provides a ground reference.

What are the pin names for the keypad connection in the MT6261 processor?

The MT6261 processor supports matrix keypad interfaces. Pin Configuration for Keypad: Pin 1: KCOL0 to KCOL5 – Keypad Column Pins, used for scanning keypad columns. Pin 2: KROW0 to KROW4 – Keypad Row Pins, used for scanning keypad rows. Pin 3: KPLED – Keypad LED Control Pin, controls the keypad backlight. Pin 4: VDDK – Keypad Interface Power Supply, provides power to the keypad interface. Pin 5: GND – Ground / Negative Connection, provides ground reference for the keypad.

What are the pin names for UART communication in the MT6261 processor?

UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) is used for serial communication with external devices. Pin Configuration for UART: Pin 1: UTXD1 – UART Transmit Data, sends data from the processor. Pin 2: URXD1 – UART Receive Data, receives data from external devices. Pin 3: GND – Ground / Negative Connection, provides ground reference.

What are the pin names for the I²C interface in the MT6261 processor?

I²C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) is used for communication with peripherals like sensors. Pin Configuration for I²C: Pin 1: SDA28 – I²C Data Line, transfers data between the processor and peripheral. Pin 2: SCL28 – I²C Clock Line, provides the clock signal for synchronous data transfer. Pin 3: VIO18 or VIO28 – Power Supply, provides power to the I²C interface (1.8V or 2.8V). Pin 4: GND – Ground / Negative Connection, provides a ground reference.

What are the pin names for the FM radio connection in the MT6261 processor?

The FM radio antenna is connected to the MT6261 processor using the following pins. Pin Configuration for FM Radio: Pin 1: FM_ANT_P – FM Radio Antenna Input, connects to the FM antenna for receiving radio signals. Pin 2: GND – Ground / Negative Connection, provides ground reference for the FM antenna.

following pins connect the FM radio antenna to the MT6261 processor

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