SC6531 CPU Schematic Diagram And Repair Ways From PinOut

#ExploreDetails_CircuitDiagram—Spreadtrum SC6531 Processor Boot Sequence. SC6531E and SC6531DA have the same schematic diagram, So Follow This Page Step By Step And Repair Your Mobile Or Supported Devices.

Pin Name And Pin Function

Power and Ground Pins:
VSS: Ground pin, providing the return path for electrical current.
VBATA, VBATB, VBATPA, VBATBK: Battery voltage input pins, supplying power to different sections of the chip.
VCHG: Charging input pin, typically used to connect to an external charging source.
VDDCORE: Core power supply for the CPU.
VDD28, VDD18: Supply pins for 2.8V and 1.8V I/O operations.
VDDUSB: USB interface power supply pin.
VDDDCXO: Power supply for the DCXO (Digitally Controlled Crystal Oscillator).
VDDSIM0, VDDSIM1: Power supply pins for SIM1 and SIM2 interfaces.
VDDSD: Power supply pin for the SD card interface.
VDDCAMD: Power supply pin for the camera interface.
VDDSF: Power supply pin for flash memory.
VDDVIBR: Power supply for vibration motor.
AVDDVBO, AVDDVB: Analog power supplies for voltage boost and RF modules.
VDRV: Drive voltage for external components.
BATDET: Battery detection pin.
ISENSE, VBAT_SENSE: Current and battery voltage sensing pins for battery monitoring.
VLCAM, VLCM, VCAM: Power supplies for the camera module.
VRF: Power supply for the RF module.
WHTLED_IB: Control pin for white LED current.
KPLED_OUT: Keypad LED output.
AGNDVB, VSSPA: Ground pins for audio and voltage boost circuitry.

UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) Pins

U0TXD: UART0 transmit data pin.
U0RXD: UART0 receive the data pin.
U0CTS: Clear to send, UART hardware flow control pin.
U0RTS: Request to send, UART hardware flow control pin.

External Interrupt Pins

EXTINT0, EXTINT1: External interrupt pins, used to trigger interrupts from external devices.

SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Pins

SPI1_DO, SPI1_DI, SPI1_CLK, SPI1_CS: SPI1 data out, data in, clock, and chip select pins for SPI communication.
SPI0_CLK, SPI0_CS, SPI0_DI, SPI0_DO: SPI0 clock, chip select, data in, and data out pins for another SPI interface.
SPI1_CD: Card detection pin for SPI interface.

SDIO and MMC (Secure Digital Input Output/ MultiMedia Card) Pins

SD_CLO: Clock signal for SD card interface.
SD_CMD: Command line for SD card interface.
SD_D0, SD_D1, SD_D2, SD_D3: Data lines for SD card interface.

I²C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) Pins

SCL0: Clock line for I²C communication.
SDA0: Data line for I²C communication.

SIM Card Interface Pins

SIMCLK0, SIMDA0, SIMRST0: Clock, data, and reset lines for SIM1 card.
SIMCLK1, SIMDA1, SIMRST1: Clock, data, and reset lines for SIM2 card.

I²S (Inter-IC Sound) Audio Interface Pins

IISDI: I²S audio data input.
IISDO: I²S audio data output.
IISCLK: I²S clock signal.
IISLRCK: I²S left-right clock signal.

GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) Pins

GPIO_0, GPIO_1, GPIO_2, GPIO_3: Configurable general-purpose input/output pins for interfacing with external peripherals like sensors, actuators, or LEDs.

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Pins

PWM: Pulse Width Modulation pin used for controlling external devices like motors, LEDs, or servos.

Keypad Interface Pins

KEYOUT0, KEYOUT1, KEYOUT2, KEYOUT3, KEYOUT4: Output pins for keypad scanning (columns).
KEYIN0, KEYIN1, KEYIN2, KEYIN3, KEYIN4: Input pins for keypad scanning (rows).

Camera Interface Pins

CAM_PD: Camera power down control pin.
CAM_RSTN: Camera reset pin.
CCIRMCK: Camera interface master clock.
CCIRD0, CCIRD1, CCIRD2, CCIRD3, CCIRD4, CCIRD5, CCIRD6, CCIRD7: Data pins for parallel camera interface.
CCIRHS, CCIRVS: Horizontal and vertical synchronization signals for the camera interface.

Debugging and Testing Pins

MTCK, MTMS: JTAG clock and mode select pins used for debugging and testing.
EXTRSTN: External reset pin.
PRODT: Production test pin, used during manufacturing testing.
PBINT: Push button interrupt pin.

FM and Bluetooth Interface Pins

BT_TRX: Bluetooth transceiver pin.
FM_LANT: FM radio antenna input pin for the low band.
FM_SANT: FM radio antenna input pin for high band.

RF (Radio Frequency) Pins

RF_RX_LB_P, RF_RX_LB_N: RF receives pins for low band, positive and negative terminals.
RF_RX_HB, RF_RX_HBP, RF_RX_HBN: RF receive pins for high band, positive and negative terminals.
RF_TX_HB, RF_TX_LB: RF transmits pins for the high and low bands.
RFCTL0, RFCTL1: RF control pins used to control various RF parameters.
APCOUT: Automatic Power Control output for RF modules.
RFPA_EN: RF Power Amplifier enable pin.

Audio Interface Pins

MBIAS: Microphone bias supply pin.
MICP, MICN: Microphone positive and negative input pins.
HEADMICP, HEADMICN: Headset microphone positive and negative input pins.
HEADMIC_IN: Headset microphone input.
HEADP_L, HEADP_R: Headphone left and right channel output pins.
EARP, EARN: Earphone positive and negative output pins.
OUTPPA, OUTNPA: Output pins for external power amplifier.

Auxiliary and USB Interface Pins

USB_DP, USB_DM: USB differential data lines (D+ and D-).
AUXADC: Auxiliary ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) pin for sensing and measurement.

Oscillator and Clock Pins

XO_P, XO_N: Crystal oscillator pins, used for connecting an external crystal to generate the main clock for the system.
REFOUT: Reference clock output.
CLK_AUX: Auxiliary clock pin.
EXT_XTL_EN: External crystal oscillator enable pin.

SC6531E Or SC6531DA And SC6531M Schematic Diagram

Pin Connection

Power and Ground Pins Connection

VSS: Connect to the ground of the circuit.
VBATA, VBATB, VBATPA, VBATBK: Connect to the positive terminal of the battery. Different sections may require separate voltage supplies, typically managed by a battery management system.
VCHG: Connect to a battery charger circuit to facilitate battery charging.
VDDCORE: Connect to a stable voltage source (typically 1.2V to 1.8V) for powering the CPU core.
VDD28, VDD18: Use 2.8V and 1.8V regulators to power I/O interfaces.
VDDUSB: Connect to the USB power supply, typically 5V.
VDDDCXO: Connect to the output of a DCXO for stable clocking.
VDDSIM0, VDDSIM1: Connect to power management ICs for the SIM card interfaces.
VDDSD: Connect to power management for the SD card interface, usually supplied by the battery.
VDDCAMD: Connect to the power supply for the camera module, typically around 2.8V.
VDDSF: Connect to flash memory power supply.
VDDVIBR: Connect to the vibration motor power supply.
AVDDVBO, AVDDVB: Connect to voltage boost circuits for analogue signals.
VDRV: Connect to the power supply for driving external components (e.g., motors or LED drivers).
BATDET: Connect to the battery detection circuit.
ISENSE, VBAT_SENSE: Connect to current and voltage sensing circuitry for battery management.
VLCAM, VLCM, VCAM: Connect to the power supply for the camera module.
VRF: Connect to the RF module’s power supply.
WHTLED_IB: Connect to a current control circuit for white LEDs.
KPLED_OUT: Connect to an LED to indicate keypad activity.
AGNDVB, VSSPA: Connect to the ground for audio and voltage boost circuits.

SC6531E Or SC6531DA And SC6531M CPU Mic And Speaker Diagram

Audio Interface Pins Connection

MBIAS: Connect to the microphone bias circuitry.
MICP, MICN: Connect to the microphone’s input pins (positive and negative).
HEADMICP, HEADMICN: Connect to the headset microphone pins.
HEADMIC_IN: Connect to the input of the headset microphone.
HEADP_L, HEADP_R: Connect to left and right headphone output.
EARP, EARN: Connect to the earphone output.
OUTPPA, OUTNPA: Connect to the output of the external audio power amplifier.

Auxiliary Headphone Connection Pin

AUXADC: Connect to an analogue sensor or measurement device for analogue-to-digital conversion.

SC6531E Or SC6531DA And SC6531M CPU Charging Diagram

USB Interfaction Pin Connection

USB_DP: USB Positive Data Terminal Connection (D+).
USB_DM: USB Negative Data Terminal Connection (D-).
VBUS: +5V Connect.
NC: Not Connection.
GND: Ground.

UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) Pins Connection

U0TXD: Connect to the RX pin of another UART device for transmitting data.
U0RXD: Connect to the TX pin of another UART device for receiving data.
U0CTS: Connect to the corresponding RTS pin of another UART device for flow control.
U0RTS: Connect to the corresponding CTS pin of another UART device for flow control.

External Interrupt Pins Connection

EXTINT0, EXTINT1: Connect to external push buttons or sensors to trigger interrupts for events like button presses or alarms.

SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Pins Connection

SPI1_DO, SPI1_DI, SPI1_CLK, SPI1_CS: Connect to an SPI-compatible peripheral like an EEPROM or display module.
DO (Data Out) is connected to the MISO pin of the peripheral.
DI (Data In) is connected to the MOSI pin of the peripheral.
CLK (Clock) is connected to the clock pin of the peripheral.
CS (Chip Select) is used to enable the peripheral for communication.

SC6531E Or SC6531DA And SC6531M CPU Network Diagram

FM and Bluetooth Interface Pins Connection

BT_TRX: Connect to Bluetooth transceiver module.
FM_LANT: Connect to the low-band FM antenna.
FM_SANT: Connect to the high-band FM antenna.

RF (Radio Frequency) Pins Connection

RF_RX_LB_P, RF_RX_LB_N: Connect to the low band RF receiver’s positive and negative pins.
RF_RX_HB, RF_RX_HBP, RF_RX_HBN: Connect to the high band RF receiver’s pins.
RF_TX_HB, RF_TX_LB: Connect to the RF transmitter pins for high and low bands.
RFCTL0, RFCTL1: Connect to control circuitry for RF operations.
APCOUT: Connect to the automatic power control circuit for the RF module.
RFPA_EN: Connect to the RF power amplifier’s enable control.

Oscillator and Clock Pins Connection

XO_P, XO_N: Connect to the pins of an external crystal oscillator.
REFOUT: Connect to a reference clock input on other devices if required.
CLK_AUX: Connect to auxiliary clock inputs for other components.
EXT_XTL_EN: Connect to a control circuit to enable or disable an external oscillator.

SC6531E Or SC6531DA And SC6531M CPU SIM Ways Diagram

SIM Card Interface Pins Connection

SIMCLK0, SIMDA0, SIMRST0: Connect to the SIM card’s clock, data, and reset pins.
SIMCLK1, SIMDA1, SIMRST1: Connect to the SIM2 card’s clock, data, and reset pins.

SDIO and MMC (Secure Digital Input Output/ MultiMedia Card) Pins Connection

SD_CLO: Connect to the clock pin of the SD card.
SD_CMD: Connect to the command line of the SD card.
SD_D0, SD_D1, SD_D2, SD_D3: Connect to the data lines of the SD card.

Camera Interface Pins Connection

CAM_PD: Connect to the power-down control of the camera module.
CAM_RSTN: Connect to the reset pin of the camera module.
CCIRMCK: Connect to the master clock for the camera interface.
CCIRD0-CCIRD7: Connect to data pins for the camera interface.
CCIRHS, CCIRVS: Connect to horizontal and vertical sync signals for video data.

SC6531E Or SC6531DA And SC6531M CPU Keyboard Diagram

Keypad Interface Pins Connection

KEYOUT0, KEYOUT1, KEYOUT2, KEYOUT3, KEYOUT4: Connect to the columns of a keypad matrix for scanning.
KEYIN0, KEYIN1, KEYIN2, KEYIN3, KEYIN4: Connect to the rows of a keypad matrix for scanning.

SC6531E Or SC6531DA And SC6531M CPU Display Diagram

I²C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) Pins Connection

SCL0: Connect to the clock line of I²C devices (like sensors or EEPROM).
SDA0: Connect to the data line of I²C devices.

I²S (Inter-IC Sound) Audio Interface Pins Connection

IISDI: Connect to the audio data output of an audio decoder.
IISDO: Connect to the audio data input of an audio codec or DAC.
IISCLK: Connect to the clock input of the audio device.
IISLRCK: Connect to the left-right clock input for stereo data.

GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) Pins Connection

GPIO_0, GPIO_1, GPIO_2, GPIO_3: Connect to various sensors, LEDs, or buttons for flexible I/O operations, configurable as either input or output based on application requirements.

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Pins Connection

PWM: Connect to devices that require PWM control, like motors or LED dimming circuits.

Debugging and Testing Pins Connection

MTCK, MTMS: Connect to the JTAG interface for debugging.
EXTRSTN: Connect to an external reset button or circuit.
PRODUCT: Used in production testing; connected to testing equipment.
PBINT: Connect to a push button for interrupt testing.

General Connection Notes

Power Supply Design: Ensure that each power pin is connected to the appropriate voltage levels to prevent damage to the CPU.
Signal Integrity: Use proper pull-up/pull-down resistors as needed to maintain signal integrity for I/O pins, especially for UART and I²C.
Decoupling Capacitors: Use decoupling capacitors near power pins to stabilize power supply voltage.
Interface Compatibility: Ensure that connected components (sensors, modules) are compatible with the voltage levels and signal logic of the SC6531.
PCB Layout: Keep the layout compact and minimize the length of high-frequency signal paths to avoid noise issues.

Supported Model List:

➔ Itel - it2320
➔  Nokia 105 TA-1174 - Nokia 2019


What are the pin names for the charging circuit connection in the SC6531 processor?

This pin for the charging circuit connection is VCHG.

What are the pin names for the headphone connection in the SC6531 processor?

These headphone connection pins are HEADP_L (left channel), HEADP_R (right channel), and HEADMIC_IN for the microphone.

What are the pin names for the keypad connection in the SC6531 processor?

The keypad connection pins are KEYOUT0 to KEYOUT4 (output pins for columns) and KEYIN0 to KEYIN4 (input pins for rows).

What are the pin names for UART communication in the SC6531 processor?

The UART communication pins are U0TXD (transmit), U0RXD (receive), U0CTS (clear to send), and U0RTS (request to send).

What are the pin names for the I²C interface in the SC6531 processor?

The I²C interface pins are SCL0 (clock) and SDA0 (data).

What are the pin names for the FM radio connection in the SC6531 processor?

The FM radio connection pins are FM_LANT (low band antenna) and FM_SANT (high band antenna).

What are the pin names for the SIM card connection in the SC6531 processor?

The SIM card connection pins for SIM1 are SIMCLK0, SIMDA0, and SIMRST0, and for SIM2, they are SIMCLK1, SIMDA1, and SIMRST1.

What are the pin names for the Crystal IC connection in the SC6531 processor?

The crystal oscillator connection pins are XO_P and XO_N.

What are the pin names for the microphone connection in the SC6531 processor?

The microphone connection pins are MICP (positive) and MICN (negative).

What are the pin names for the loudspeaker connection in the SC6531 processor?

The loudspeaker connection pins are OUTPPA (positive) and OUTNPA (negative).

What are the pin names for the vibrator motor connection in the SC6531 processor?

The vibrator motor connection pin is VDDVIBR.

What are the pin names for the SPI interface in the SC6531 processor?

The SPI1 interface pins are SPI1_DO (data out), SPI1_DI (data in), SPI1_CLK (clock), and SPI1_CS (chip select).

What are the pin names for the SD card connection in the SC6531 processor?

The SD card connection pins are SD_CLO (clock), SD_CMD (command), and SD_D0, SD_D1, SD_D2, SD_D3 (data lines).

What are the pin names for the camera interface in the SC6531 processor?

The camera interface pins are CAM_PD (power down), CAM_RSTN (reset), and CCIRD0 to CCIRD7 (data pins).

What are the pin names for the oscillator connection in the SC6531 processor?

The oscillator connection pins are XO_P, XO_N for the crystal oscillator, and REFOUT (reference clock output).

What are the pin names for the RF module connection in the SC6531 processor?

The RF module connection pins are RF_RX_LB_P, RF_RX_LB_N (low band receive), RF_TX_HB, RF_TX_LB (transmit), and RFPA_EN (power amplifier enable).

What are the pin names for the keypad LED control in the SC6531 processor?

The pin for the keypad LED control is KPLED_OUT.

What are the pin names for debugging and testing in the SC6531 processor?

The JTAG interface pins for debugging are MTCK (clock) and MTMS (mode select). The external reset pin is EXTRSTN.

What are the pin names for the battery detection circuit in the SC6531 processor?

The battery detection pins are BATDET and VBAT_SENSE.

What are the power supply pins for the SIM interfaces in the SC6531 processor?

The power supply pins for the SIM interfaces are VDDSIM0 and VDDSIM1.

What Is the Power Button Key Pin in the SC6531 CPU?

SC6531E And SC6531E CPU Power Button Key Connection Pin Is PBINT(Push Button Interrupt).

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